Safari Trumps
In 2011, I made “The Small Game about Big Game” with facts about 54 animals you’ll find on safari in East Africa. Within a few years it was selling in 3 countries, and now we’ve sold over 20,000 packs.
My first card game was Commonwealth Trumps which came out when Uganda hosted CHOGM in 2007. Each card was about one of the 53 countries in the Commonwealth. The idea was based on Top Trumps, a series of games I played as a kid in the playground or in the dinner queue, about monsters, football players, or cars. The games were produced with their permission.

If you would like to get your own copy of Safari Trumps, or are interested in selling it, please fill out the form below.
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Africa Trumps
I only recently realised the true size of Africa: bigger than all of Europe, USA, India and China combined. We talk of African politics, style, and music as if there was little variation across its 54 countries – but we would never talk about other continents so simplistically.
While Africa Trumps isn’t going to fix that, it will help you compare each country’s vital statistics and remember key facts, capitals, presidents and famous singers and sportspeople.
Despite the prevailing narrative of ageing, corrupt leaders overstaying in power, I have to update the names of presidents more and more frequently to stop it getting out of date – Africa is changing faster than you think.

Remember the Veg
Remember the Veg is an educational game designed for Terre Des Hommes in Bangladesh, to help understand how vegetables can prevent scurvy and vitamin A deficiency, and how to use them in crop-rotation.
The story about carrots helping you see in the dark isn’t a myth. “Night blindness” is a common symptom of vitamin A deficiency, and carrots are one of the best sources of vitamin A.
Lack of vitamin C causes bleeding gums and loose teeth, both symptoms of scurvy. Orange fruits and vegetables, like pumpkin and oranges are good sources vitamin C.
In Bangladesh, nightblindness and scurvy are common even though vegetables are part of the staple diet. One problem is that many of the staple vegetables are low in vitamin content.
“Remember the Veg” teaches that not all vegetables are equal. Vegetables with vitamin C show an icon of a healthy tooth, and those with vitamin A are associated with a picture of a torch. The colours of the cards relate to what type of vegetable they are – useful for crop rotation.
It’s a memory game: on one side of the cards there’s a picture of the vegetable; on the other are the icons and colours indicating the vitamin content and information for crop rotation. The aim is to guess which vegetables have which vitamins, and by turning over the cards, you find out if you’re right.

The Organic Game
With Epopa and Kilimohai Organic, we developed a card game that explains the principles of organic farming. The deck is split up into different topics including Soil and Water, Pests and Diseases, Certification, Marketing, Biodiversity and Quality. Under each topic are 4 cards that illustrate the principles and practice of organic farming.