
Better coffee farming

Scientists say that coffee yields in Uganda are only a quarter of their potential. How can we communicate good practices to coffee farmers effectively?


Dairy Farming in Rwanda

Rwanda’s Gir’inka project promises one cow for every poor family. How do we train hundreds of thousands of families in dairy cow management?


Understanding Banana Diseases

The lack of genetic diversity make bananas prone to disease. When diseases like BBW reach East Africa, they impact millions of lives. Farmers need to understand how banana diseases spread, and how to stop them, fast.


Rickshaw art messaging

Each country has its own dominant art form, from graffiti covered matatus in Kenya, to heroic rickshaws in Bangladesh. Using these styles can make familiar messages relatable, engaging and witty.


Smallholder farming in Uganda

How can we give Ugandan farmers information they can use to improve their livelihoods?

Kiswahili Livelihoods

Mabango ya wakulima wa Afrika

Kilimo endelevu/ hai na maisha Jinsi ya kutayarisha Mbolea vunde/ mboji Namna ya kutayarisha bustani ya jikoni/ mandala Namna ya kutayarisha Shamba Mfuko Namna ya kutayarisha mbolea ya maji Namna ya kutayarisha “Chai ya Mimea” Namna ya kutayarisha Dawa za Asili Namna ya kuzuia mmomonyoko wa udongo Kwa nini matandazo? Namna ya kutengeneza jiko lenye…

Francais Livelihoods

Affiches pour les paysans Africains d’agriculture biologique

Techniques d’agricultures biologiques et de moyens de subsistances pour petites exploitations Cet assortiment est produit en série de plus de 2’500 exemplaires pour les ONG et les organisations gouvernementales, pour approximativement 4 USD pièce. Chaque lot est relié en format A2. Comment faire un Compost Comment faire un Jardin Porte-Bonheur Comment faire un Sac Jardin…